Travel to Villagarzon Putumayo
Jungle Paradise is located one hour into the jungle from Villagarzón in the state of Putumayo, in the Colombian Amazon. Travel involves a flight, and guided jungle transport. We highly recommend this site for those who wish to connect deeply with an authentic jungle tradition.
Bring a comfortable jungle bag for hiking!
In order to travel to Jungle Paradise you will need to take the following steps.
1) Flight into Bogota
We reccommend staying overnight in Bogota before flying into Villagarzón as the local flight that comes to Putumayo might be the only flight in the world that sometimes unexpectedly leaves four hours earlier than planned!
2) Flight into Villagarzon
This is a local Colombian flight. The airline to buy this flight is called Satena. The flight leaves from a local terminal in Bogota. Usually the flights of this airline depart from Terminal 2 (T2), previously called Terminal Puente Aéreo of the El Dorado airport.
3) Drive into the jungle
We will provide transport for your group into the jungle from Villagarzon. While there is a community bus, we do not recommend it for first-time travelers although you can use it to visit the town during a longer stay after you are here.
4) Hike into the deep-jungle site (optional)
Most groups with longer stays prefer to hike deeper into the jungle and do ceremony at our traditional maloca. However if your group feels more comfortable staying at Jungle Paradise site this is not a problem.
For this site you will need to pack well in advance, and come prepared with basic jungle necessities. Don’t worry, we got you covered! Just use our handy packing list!
If you need help planning your trip, just contact us!)