The reintegration
The Yagé experience is profoundly healing for the body, the mind, and the spirit. After ceremony there will be a reintegration process where you view you life with a new perspective, and heal your relationships with ancestors, Nature, and loved ones.
Reintegration from Yagé ceremony is from one to three months
An authentic, traditional Yagé ceremony is a profound healing process, that can affect seven generations of trauma into the past, and seven generations into the future.
It is incredibly important during the time after ceremony that you take time for youself. To meditate on what you have learned. Journaling and meditation are good activities to help with reintegration.
During the ceremony it is very common to experience death/rebirth cycles as identities, trauma, and past goals that are not healthy for you ‘die’ and you are ‘reborn’ to more integrated and authentic expressions of your identity and life.
It is very common to see changes in relationships, jobs, and living situations in the months after ceremony, as you express a new and more authentic version of your life. In most cases this will be gentle and you will find that as the old falls away, new paths, opportunities and relationships open to you.
It is not uncommon to have negative or old emotions come up to clear. So if you experience sadness, anger, grief, or depression after a ceremony it is very normal. You should not attach to these emotions but realize that you may be clearing emotions from the past that you did not allow yourself to feel properly. In this case, feeling is releasing.
It is common to feel bereft after the experience of deep connection to nature and spirit. Deep connection is a gift, and one you will carry with you for the rest of your life. If you let this gift reintegrate you will find yourself capable of, and interested in, more authentic connections to other people, Nature, and spiritual experiences in the future.
It is important to realize that Yagé is very healing to the body. Many people will need to be careful with their diet and avoid alcohol, tobacco and toxic foods as the body will heal and rebuild for many months following ceremony. Good nutrition during this time is important and you might find yourself changing your diet, or preferring more organic, or sustainably grown and harvested produce and meats.
There is a deep, and sustaining meaning to traditional ceremony. It gives you direction in your life, and insight and compassion into the people who surround you. Paying attention to reintegrating this into your life so it is expressed fully takes discipline and attention but it will increase the meaning of your life.
We are so glad you joined us for this experience. We are available for support after ceremony, just like before ceremony. If you’re having difficulty reintegrating, just contact us!)