What is the difference between Yage and Ayahuasca?

Ayahuasca is mainly prepared by the Indigenous people in Peru and Brazil whereas Yage is prepared by the Indigenous people in Colombia and Ecuador. Ayahuasca is prepared using the Caapi vine and the Chacruna plant whereas Yage is prepared using the same Caapi vine but actually uses a different plant called Chagropanga.

  • What is Yage good for you?

It is a medicine for our bodies, mental, physical, emotional and spiritual. It can help you to heal very deeply, it can help you to go inside and see the reasons for many things in your life, and in the same way it can also help you to see your own answers to continue advancing and evolving in your life.

  • Can you come alone to the retreat?

Yes of course! A lot of our guests are solo travellers so we welcome you to come alone. We are here to assist you to ensure you arrive at your destination safely and will be here as soon as you arrive.

  • How many Yage ceremonies will I need to have?

This is something we get asked frequently. For some people one ceremony is enough for them to obtain deep healing, for others maybe more is needed, It is important to remember each person is different.

  • How long does integration after the retreat take?

This can vary for each person and sometimes we can be integrating our whole life as we are forever changing. But we recommend taking extra care at least in the first few weeks after a ceremony. We also offer integration coaching sessions to assist you in this process. See our Integration page for more information on this.

  • How long have you been running retreats for?

As a family we have been working with these sacred plants and sharing them for over 23 years.

  • If I have a question how can I contact you?

We would love to hear from you! You can reach out to us here.

  • Cancellation Policy 

    Early Cancellation:

    If you choose to cancel your reservation and notify us at least 28 days prior to the start of the retreat, you have the option to transfer your deposit to a future retreat or transfer your deposit to another person.

    Late Cancellation:

    In the event of cancellation within less than 28 days leading up to the retreat, unfortunately your deposit will not be able to be retained for a future retreat.