About us

We are a family that grew up on the path of Sacred Plants and for more than 26 years we have been caring of ancestral ceremonies which are ancient ways of healing and connection with the creation.

This sacred plants accompanied us to grow and see the world in a more loving way; the sacred traditions and the elders of these traditions welcomed us and in a very natural way and it has become the path of our lives, and which we have decided to share and help other people connect with  their true Self.

“Yai” means jaguar in the Siona language and the jaguar is the guardian of the jungle. Its presence in the territories indicates the health of the ecosystem; it is an umbrella species, as it helps maintain the connectivity of the ecosystems and countless species of flora and fauna, since a healthy population requires a large number of biotic and abiotic elements to survive.

Similarly, in the spiritual world for different cultures in America, the jaguar is the protector, who brings balance, order, vitality and teaches us to walk in harmony with all beings on our sacred mother earth.

In this way we have a deep connection with this great feline, since the territories that we care for and preserve are its home, territory in which the sacred medicine of yage grows, and where our Taitas also prepare it.

Nature gives us every day everything necessary for life, food, water, air, medicine. That is why one of our main principles is reciprocity towards it, caring for the jungle and nature for us is not a choice but a duty to our mother, which we carry out with deep gratitude. So also in gratitude for all the medicine that we constantly receive from her, our mission is to share it, so that more people in the world can discover their own light, reconnect with what makes their eyes shine and that we increasingly redefine what it means to be a human being.

In this way a large part of the exchange income is used to continue with conservation projects in the territory and the jungles of Putumayo, as well as for the care and support of the elders, guardians of the sacred medicine of the Yage and their communities.

Find out more:

  • Retreats

    Find out about next retreats and ceremonies.

  • Our facilitators

    Get to know our facilitarors who will guide your healing journey.

  • The medicine

    Read about the sacred medicine which will help heal you during our retreats.