The nettle is Mother Nature's acupuncture
Amazonian nettle
Nettle is a plant that has been used since ancient times to heal the body and mind. Its vegetable organism is covered with hairs that, when in contact with the skin, release a substance that causes an unpleasant sensation as if hundreds of small needles were penetrating it. For this reason, it has been said that the nettle is Mother Nature's acupuncture.
When nettle meets the epidermis, it activates the entire nervous system of the body, clearing the body and mind. It activates circulation, renews energy and helps to drive away laziness and negative thoughts. In addition, nettle can also be used to prepare remedies that, when drunk, help detoxify the body. It is diuretic, depurative, alkalizing and anti-inflammatory. Therefore, its consumption is good for treating arthritis, hemorrhoids, dermatitis, high blood pressure and blood sugar, among others.
In indigenous cultures, it is used as a tool to solve minor crimes. When a member of the community commits an infraction, instead of punishing, community hearings seek to cleanse, harmonize, and repair the damage. Stinging nettle is ideal for this process because it cleanses the energy of the recipient.