Taita Leonidas Lezama
Leonidas has immersed himself in the study of ancestral paths with the Elders of different communities from the Amazon
Taita Leonidas Lezama
Since he was 6 years old Leonidas has immersed himself in the study of ancestral paths with the Elders of different communities from the Amazon. He has trained with the teachers Coreguaje, Inga, Siona, Secoya, and Cofán and entered into a pure connection with the Jungle and with the sacred Yagé plant.
Leonidas was born in a small town that descended from the Pijao community. His parents took him to drink Ayahuasca (Yage) for the first time when he was six years old. One year later, Leonidas began his training as a healer, guided by the native Siona and Kofan elders.
The ceremonial hut, or Maloca, embraced Leonidas to strengthen his learning and connect his spirit with the divine. This Maloca is located in the Colombian Amazon on the outskirts of the town of Curillo, Caquetá. During the last 26 years, He has trained with teachers from Coreguaje, Inga, Siona, Secoya, and Cofán communities. He has been finding, harvesting, praying, making the medicine of Yage, and healing with it since he was 15 years old. Leonidas continues to honor the plant and its masters by caring for the ancient design of the ceremony and providing only the purest medicine. It never includes other plants or additives.
His path is honoring the plant and its masters by caring for the ancient design of the ceremony and providing only the purest medicine. He has been sharing the ceremonies for more than 26 years. Leonidas is a guardian of the jungle and of the culture of this sacred plant.